What is DevCredits?
DevCredits LLC. sells 3D products and virtual goods on IMVU. We sell IMVU credits so users can buy items on the IMVU network.
Please ensure that you have read and understand each of the following terms and conditions which apply to all transactions made through DevCredits LLC. By making a purchase or selling your credits to DevCredits LLC, you accept and agree to he following terms as set out below.
Services offered at Devcredits LLC.
1. We sell 3D Items on IMVU.com to end users of the IMVU program
2. We sell credits to users on IMVU for use in buying 3D Items
3. We buy credits from established professional developers of 3D Items and re-sell them on IMVU
(IMVU is an online game world that allows users the opportunity to buy and own 3D rooms and Items. )
Devcredits LLC is a Registered Reseller with IMVU.com - Reseller #23193727
DevCredits is not affiliated nor associated with IMVU.
Buying Credits from DevCredits LLC.
DevCredits buying process is outlined in the following PDF - http://www.devcredits.com/creditflowchart.pdf
1. Please ensure that you enter your avatar name correctly.
In the event that you enter an avatar name incorrectly, we will try to manually transfer your credits to the correct avatar name. We do not guarantee success, but we do guarantee that we will attempt to do so. If you enter the name of an existing avatar the credits will automatically be transferred to that avatar's account. We are unable to compensate you for this error.
2. Permission:
You must have the credit card/account owners permission to use a credit or debit card or Paypal account when purchasing credits or products from DevCredits.
Failure to obtain permission and forward that permission to DevCredits will result in the refund of the purchase and a ban of the use of the site to make purchases.
Attempts at Identity theft will result in the possible termination of your IMVU account and Ban form the use of DevCredits services.
DevCredits maintains a No Tolerance policy towards identity theft and will work with authorities and IMVU in any capacity to prosecute individuals engaged in this activity.
3.Refund Policy:
A full refund can be requested, however this will only be provided once the full amount of credits that you purchased have been returned to DevCredits.
Refunds are done at the discretion of DevCredits LLC. and require prior approval.
DevCredits will not refund you for:
Purchasing the incorrect product.
Dis-satisfaction over a product for any reason which is already clearly stated on the product information page. ie Failing to read the product information.
Multiple purchases of the same product.
Some products and Items are non transferable or returnable and refunds will not be issued in those cases.
4. Fraud Filters:
All users are subject to DevCredits Fraud Filters. DevCredits has Filters in place to Prevent fraud and prevent identity theft.
IMVU Guest Users - Must be at least 15 days old and will be limited to 25K per purchase and 50K per week.
Avatars who own their name - limited to one purchase a day and 200K a week total.
All new customers are handled manually to ensure that the Avatars are not engaging in fraud.
Other Fraud filters - DevCredits reserves the right to withhold information about fraud filters in order to provide a secure and stable environment for its users.
5. eChecks:
Credits will not be sent until the eCheck payment Clears. Once the eCheck payment has cleared you will be sent the verification email and you can claim your credits.
6. Product Gifts for 100K purchases:
DevCredits has a gift system in place for 100K purchases and Individuals who make multiple purchases. These gifts are not a guarantee and are subject to cancelation at any time.
DevCredits gifts are not refundable or exchangeable after they have been picked up.
Underage Buyers Purchasing at Devcredits.
1.Underage buyers purchasing from Devcredits.com will need to provide parental permission prior to their order being processed and delivered.
2. Underage buyers will be limited to 15k or below purchases.
3. Underage buyers will not be allowed to purchase credits for other avatars at IMVU.
4. All other restrictions reguarding buying credits outlined within the TOS also apply to Underage buyers except those that have been amended within this section.
DevCredits vigorously prosecutes Chargebacks
Chargebacks made after purchase of credits or products from DevCredits for any reason, may result in your IMVU account being disabled, you may also face criminal charges.
This policy applies to anyone using an IMVU account without written permission. Such permission should be submitted prior to any DevCredits purchase made in order validate ownership.
Restoration of a disabled IMVU account will incur a 10.00 fee.
Selling Credits to DevCredits LLC.:
1. DevCredits offers to purchase credits from it's Credit Partners is 39.50 for 100,000cr. For purchases over 150K DC will cover the fees. Non-Partners will recieve a rate of 35 per 100K.
2. You must be at least 18 years of age to sell credits through DevCredits LLC., all payments are processed through PayPal.com. Please see PAYPAL .com for their Terms and Conditions
3. You must be a developer in good standing in order to sell credits to DevCredits
4. You must have been a developer for a minimum of 6 months and have a minimum of 50 products for sale at IMVU for us to buy credits from you.
6. Once you have received confirmation of your credits being purchased, these credits must be transferred to our reseller account before payment will be made to you.
7. Credit Purchases are made at the discretion of DevCredits and will not be guaranteed.
8. Credit Partners of DevCredits (Professional Developers) will receive preferential buying treatment due to their status as professionals and their long standing support of the IMVU community.
9. DevCredits Reserves the right to refuse the buying of credits at any time and for any reason.
10. DevCredits does not support copyright or trademark infringement, Credits earned from this will be refused.
11. Unsolicited or approved credit sends will result in a 6% fee to return credits to the original account.
DevCredits LLC. Partner Program
Devcredits LLC. has a partner program in place for professional developers to work with DevCredits on increasing sales of all DevCredits Services in return for preferred access to all of the Partner tools.
Inclusion in the program is and at the sole discretion of DevCredits management.
DevCredits reserves the right to change the elements of the program and adjust pricing as needed.
Joining the Partner program is strictly voluntary, Partners may choose to leave the program for any reason as long as notification of departure is made in writing to DevCredits LLC.
Partners currently receive 39.50 Per 100K sold to DevCredits; this Price is subject to change without warning or notification.
DevCredits will do its best to provide timely notification of any changes to the partner program.
DevCredits Use of Marketing and Materials:
DevCredits Authorizes the use of its banners and marketing materials for the sole use of promoting DevCredits LLC. and its products and services.
Use of DevCredits Graphics and marketing materials for any other purpose is strictly prohibited/
DevCredits will issue DCMA take down notices for use of its materials in non promotion activities.
All Users are required to obtain permission from DevCredits in order to use Graphics or Marketing Materials for any reason.
The display or promotional use of DevCredits marketing materials does not entitle you to access to DevCredits products and services.
DevCredits LLC. Privacy Policy
DevCredits will not distribute any information you have submitted to the site to any third party, nor will we divulge any of your details to any other organization unless you are found to be in violation of our Terms & Conditions, in which case the details of your violation may be shared with IMVU and the relevant legal authorities. Under certain circumstances including fraud, purchasing credits for another IMVU user will result in your purchase information being made available to to that avatar. The security of our Account Members is important to us, and yes, we will prosecute any instance of attempted fraud, hacking or other abuse.
We will not attempt to contact you with regard to any product or service not pertaining to this site.
*You abide by the IMVU Terms Of Service & Trademark & Copyright Laws.
*DevCredits is a non-racial, non-political, non-discriminatory environment, DevCredits supports all lifestyles and gender styles
*DevCredits reserves the right to change the posted prices and rates offered to anyone at any point in time without prior notice.
*We also reserve the right to terminate the relationship with any member who fails to comply with any of our Terms & Conditions.
*IMVU's TOS - http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_info.php?section=Info&topic=terms_of_service
*PayPal's TOS - https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/marketingweb?cmd=_render-content&fli=true&content_ID=ua/Legal_Hub_full&locale.x=en_US
For information please feel free to contact DevCredits either through our support system, or email us at support@devcredits.com.
Customer Service:
DevCredits Support System
For Business Correspondance Only
Support is not available through this contact information
DevCredits LLC.
1540 Oakland Ave 218
Indiana PA, 15701
Thank You
DevCredits Staff |